Tuesday 14 December 2010

Funky Trousers

My first project on the new machine, and I am so thrilled with them! I really took my time over keeping the seams as neat as possible, using a special stitch on the machine to hem the raw edges, which I didn't do on my first pair. I am much happier with the turn ups this time, but I still haven't worked out quite the best way of doing them, I want to be able to have a choice between between having them turned up or turned down as Wesley grows. But at present you can only have them turned up as there is still an unsightly seam on the inside of the turn up. I'm going to have to do more research into how to do this properly!

I took Wesley out in the new trousers today to meet a new friend and her little girl who is the same age as Wesley. She was very impressed when I said I had made them, I did think he looked very cute crawling around the library in them!

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