Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Welcome Sweetest Eilidh

This weekend saw the arrival of a very special little girl into the world, my lovely and very talented friend Eleanor (mum-me.co.uk) gave birth to her second child on Saturday, Eilidh Skye – what a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl! Here she is, just a few hours old –

Congratulations El and family, I couldn't be happier for you!

Eleanor and her husband found out the sex of their baby but kept it a secret, however I had quite a strong inkling that she was having a girl – just little things she said gave me clues, so I decided to make a second sock monkey for her, and if she did come out a boy I'd give it to one of my nieces and make another one.

This time, knowing what I was doing and having a decent sewing machine I really took my time to make this monkey as carefully as possible. Knowing she was for a newborn baby I chose a gorgeous pair of soft wool socks and and instead of buttons for eyes I stitched them on so Eilidh's mummy didn't have to worry about her choking. Here she is:

Until she departed for Eilidh's home Eric had been keeping her company:


  1. What a lovly couple! :-) I am sure he will miss her! ;-)

  2. Eilidh is perfection :) I know she will love her sock monkey!

    As an aside, you should sell these Meg, they are fab :) xxx

  3. We love sock monkey, we have named her Meg after you. :o)

